ferry haryadi. PUSAT WISATADANAU LAUT TAWAR TEMA : ARSITEKTUR WATERFROUNT. Banda Aceh : Universitas Syiah Kuala, 2014


).abstract pusat wisata danau laut tawar oleh ferry haryadi 0804104010060 special areas oh aceh has rich tourism potential, both natural and man-made attractions, generally it has not been developed in a more optimal. one type of fresh marine lake in central aceh regions. where marine lake is the only freshwater lake in the province of nanggroe aceh darussalam (nad). takengon city, the capital of central aceh district as an area that has a beautiful lake, with a diversity of flora and title is a cold city, takengon city with geographic laocation of the position 040 10’’-040 58’’ lu and 96018’’-96022’’. aceh district center lies the cluster following the barisan hills with a background of very beautiful panorama. with an area of 4.318.390 km2. the population is approximately 175.527 people mayoritas gayo tribe and wet tropical climates. takengon city with potential beauty of the lake is surrounded by sea bargaining and mountain ranges that are served, has it’s own attraction for

Baca Juga : TAMAN REKREASI AIR DI DANAU LAUT TAWAR (Muslim Fernandez, 2014) ,

Baca Juga : PERANCANGAN PUJASERA DI BANDA ACEH (Ratu Fathin Raniya, 2020) ,

ocal and foreign tourists. pusat wisata danau laut tawar is a developtment project to improve the prospect of tourists to visit the stricken area of marine freshwater lake, a recreational area with recreational facilities, culinary, lodging and commercial are designed to cultivate the potential of marine fresh beauty of the lake. recretional facilities provided in the form of sports (banana boat, jet ski, surfing, beach volley, fishing), water games (waterboom, water boats), picnic, and so forth. culinary facility is equipped with a cuinary garden gazebo with views of directly leading to the lake, cafe with variety of seafod menu. cottages with varous types is provided to supplement the lodging facility. in the cottages are equipped with a jogging track. as for the facilities provided by commercial retailers who sell various handicraft in aceh. the concept design of recretarion areas in to apply the concept of linear circulation takes the analogy of water flow in the river. element of pond and water fountain included as part of the arrangement of the landscape. waterfront or water’s edge in this case be used as a view of coastal and river., landscape element or elements of activities. as for the concept of building facade, the mass of the building combines modern and traditional elements. key word : pusat wisata danau laut tawar, takengon, aceh tengah, tourism, architecture waterside

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